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Social Media Channel Launch and Recognition Process

To have an official Tiffin University social media account the following steps must be followed.

Step one – Do you have all the tools in place to launch a channel?

  • Who is the target audience?
  • Who will be the two admins of your social channel?
  • Do both admins have the time commitment to post at least 4 times a month?

Step two  Fill out the Social Media Account Registration with account login information as a backup.

Step three – Set up a meeting with the digital content specialist to go over goals, admin details, best practices and approval process.

Step four – Set up an email address for your social media channel that is team or department oriented. – Good / – Bad

If you are using Facebook there are two options for your channel.

  1. It is recommended to open a work Facebook profile that has a department or team email attached.
  2. Add Rebecca Kielbasa (Tiffin University Digital Content Specialist) as an admin of your Facebook channel.

If you already have an established account and would like your account to be recognized as an official campus channel you can do steps two and four for approval.

Social Media Policies & Guidelines


To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.